The Global VC

5 Premoney Talks Every VC Should Watch

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PreMoney SF is coming up in a week! We couldn’t be more excited about the speaker lineup & the topics that will be covered. To give you a little sneak peek, we’ve collected some of the most popular talks from PreMoney 2013 & 2014:

1. Marc Andreessen & Dave McClure: The Future of Startups, VC’s, and Technology

2. Y Combinator: The Sequel — Sam Altman On The Future Of The Original Accelerator

3. The Explosion Of Micro-Funds & The LP Fatigue Epidemic with Mark Suster (Upfront Ventures)

4. The Death Of Mid-Stage & Birth Of The Long-Run VC Play with Scott Kupor (Andreessen Horowitz)

5. Suster vs. Kupor On The (Ad)Venturous Road Ahead (Part 1)

Want to dive deeper? Get your last minute tickets to PreMoney SF HERE

*SPECIAL OFFER  >  Use code ‘PreMoneyNow’ for $150 off.

500 Global Team

500 Global Team