500 Global Team
Let’s be honest – did you even know we had an accelerator in Mexico City? Well, we do!…and we tend to attract companies from all over the globe. We’re excited to welcome 15 new companies who will be joining us in Mexico City from countries such as Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Spain and of course Mexico.
Fun fact: Juan Eljach, CEO of exploiter.co, is likely to be the youngest founder we have ever invested in. We interviewed him when he was only 15 years old! His company is aiming to raise awareness and teach the art of ethical hacking.
Over the next 4 months (yes, we have a slightly longer program), these founders will be working towards finding sustainable ways to bring in new clients (we love distribution) and validate their business models in order to attract more capital.
Want to know more? Check some of these companies on AngelList or simply get in touch with our team.
Without further ado, here are all the companies in our latest accelerator:
3D printed prosthetics.
AngelList: https://angel.co/biofab-1
Founders: Cesar Loo
From: Peru
FunFact: When we started printing super-hero prosthetics it was intended for children but as time went by we realized parents really enjoyed them too.
Your code, to go.
AngelList: https://angel.co/codepicnic
Founders: Ángel Velásquez, Alvaro Pereyra, Gustavo Leon, Daniel Subauste
From: Peru
FunFact: Outside of programming, Alvaro’s real passion is writing. He has two half-finished books and promises to finish writing them soon. Gustavo’s real passion isn’t writing but he has already published a book.
The link between students and educational institutions.
AngelList: https://angel.co/cursostotales-com
Founders: Jorge Mateljan, Arnaud Rijkeboer
From: Peru
FunFact: When they started the company 6 years ago, both founders still had hair.
Unique design products.
AngelList: https://angel.co/disenia
Founders: Reinaldo Odreman, Rafael Odreman
From: Venezuela
Professional computer security training.
AngelList: https://angel.co/exploiter-co
Founders: Juan Eljach, Hernan Alvarez
From: Colombia
FunFact: Juan was only 15 when he got interviewed for 500 Startups!
Video engagement platform for brands.
AngelList: https://angel.co/hitsbook
Founders: Juan Jose Artero, Javier Nievas
From: Spain
Job portal for disabled people in Latin America.
AngelList: https://angel.co/incluyemecom
Founders: Gabriel Marcolongo, Natalia Ca
From: Argentina
FunFact: Natalia and Gabriel crossed the Andes Mountains running in a 3 day 120km ultramarathon.
Learn music, online, in Spanish.
AngelList: https://angel.co/la-musiquita
Founders: Facundo Basilico, Santiago Bullrich, Federico Viarnes
From: Argentina
FunFact: Our company’s name in English is ‘The Little Music’.
Prepare for your college admission test.
AngelList: https://angel.co/mision-admision
Founders: Javier Cetina, Jose Cetina
From: Mexico
The next step in digital signage.
AngelList: https://angel.co/nuvelar
Founders: José Manera, Jonathan Vainstein, Gastón Ricard, Martín Virdis
From: Argentina
Achieve a fitness lifestyle for good.
AngelList: https://angel.co/rocketjourney
Founders: Ernesto Cambustón, Pablo Artee, Carlos Ayala
From: Mexico
Buy and sell certified secondhand children’s clothing.
AngelList: https://angel.co/ropanroll
Founders: Diego Hagman, Juan Pablo Gonzalez
From: Argentina
FunFact: Before founding Ropanroll, both Diego and JP only knew five colors. Now, they can tell the difference between baby blue, navy blue and deep sky blue (among other 60 shades of blue).
Uber for bike delivery.
AngelList: https://angel.co/skydrop
Founders: Jose Zambrano, Cesar Lozada
From: Mexico
FunFact: The second name for the company was “Brody” for Brotherhood of Delivery.
Online education for Architecture.
AngelList: https://angel.co/thinkparametric
Founders: Emmanuel Medina, Rodrigo Medina
From: Mexico
FunFact: We cloned one of our founders to be more productive.
Online wedding registry.
AngelList: https://angel.co/uniko-df
Founders: Tere Cremona, Raul Gonzalez
From: Mexico
FunFact: Tere is from Argentina and Rulas is from Mexico. They met via Messenger. Two years later they married and in their honeymoon founded UnikoDF.
Recent Media Coverage: Forbes, Xataka, Elfinanciero, Hipertextual, El Economista