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Calling All Monsters! Join the 500 Startups Accelerator!


500 Global Team

500 Global Team

EXTRA! EXTRA! 500 Startups is looking for MONSTERS, from all corners of the planet!



Are you the biggest fish in your small pond? Have you already raised tons of cash? Are you ready to step it up to the next level and play in the big leagues?


If so, then 500 wants YOU to come to the valley and CRUSH IT. Join the Fall 2012 batch of the 500 Accelerator Program!


How, you ask? Well, today we’re doing something we’ve never done before. An open application process. (Pause for reaction)  Starting today through Sunday September 23, you can submit your application for the 500 Accelerator here: http://angel.co/500startups

We’ve already chosen a small number of scary startups to join us at the 500 Secret Lair come October. However, we’re craving more – like zombies crave brains. We want to see what you got.Apply now at http://angel.co/500startups.


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