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Welcome Mike Greenfield To Team 500!


500 Global Team

500 Global Team

From the very beginning, “Design, Data, Distribution” was the mantra of 500 Startups. We always aspired to help our companies beyond just writing them a check (or rather, wiring them money). When it comes to that third “D” Distribution, we’ve done a lot to help our companies – we’ve formed strong relationships with platform companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, we have a slew of amazing mentors who are domain experts in all types of distribution and customer acquisition tactics, and we’ve held countless weekly talks, meetups, events and conferences on many distribution topics. However, we aren’t stopping there.

Today, we’re excited to welcome a new 500 team member that will pull a Jerry Maguireand help us help our companies even more with distribution.

Mike Greenfield will be working with us for the next few months as our very first Growth Hacker-In-Residence (GHIR) for 500 Startups… and possibly the world. He’ll be helping us scheme the crazy master plan that will scalably help our companies with distribution and customer acquisition through a masterfully choreographed ballet of growth hacks, platforms, paid and organic marketing, and more.

You may know Mike as co-founder and CTO of Circle of Moms and founder of Team Rankings. He also honed his growth hacking and analytics chops at LinkedIn and PayPal.He preaches about data ‘n startups over at his blog, numeratechoir.com.

Tweet him a warm 500 welcome at @mike_greenfield!

Our new GHIR and his protege reading something very interesting.

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