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Women, We Want YOU… To WIN!


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Tonight we’re announcing an important initiative – the WIN Challenge. (Women Investors Now)  [Link to Dave’s article on Techcrunch.]
The number of women founding startups is growing. However, we have yet to see this same growth on the other side of the table – women writing checks and investing in startups, particularly at the angel investor level. We need more women angel investors like Esther Dyson, Caterina Fake, Christina Brodbeck, Jayne Hillman, Jennifer Lum, Randi Zuckerberg, Rashmi Sinha, Brit Morin, Danielle Morrill, and Mari Baker.

If you’re a woman who cares about seeing more women founders, women CEOs, and women leaders, then take the WIN Challenge. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to invest in at least 3 startups at least $5,000 each over the next year.

Visit https://500.co/women-angels to take the challenge. All you need is an AngelListaccount.

Be a role model. Be on the other side of the table and WIN.

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