The Global VC

What Is a Geek?

500 Global Team

500 Global Team






Every time I speak with someone about ‘Geeks on a Plane‘ (our worldwide tours to meet startups + geeks in lands afar), their first response is always “I love that name”. I’m not sure if they’re huge fans of Samuel L. Jackson (who isn’t, right?) or just fans of all things geeky, but we started to wonder what actually constitutes a geek.

During the latest ‘Geeks on a Plane’ voyage to Brazil, Chile, and Argentina, we asked some pretty influential entrepreneurs – both locals and our travelers – what it really means to be a geek. Here’s what they had to say…

For those of you interested in upcoming GOAP tours:

  • ASIA > October 11-25: Tour stops in Tokyo, Beijing, Shanghai, & Hong Kong
    APPLY: Sorry, we’re at capacity. You can apply HERE for next year’s tour.
  • INDIA > December 8-20: Tour stops in Delhi, Mumbai, & Bangalore
    APPLY: Deadline is Wednesday, August 17th, HERE.

    If you’d like to get involved with GOAP as a host or sponsor, ping me (christen at 500 startups dot com)…we love making new friends.

    500 Global Team

    500 Global Team